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  • BNB STEM is built on inquiry-based, student-directed learning based on Stanford Design Thinking, Harvard Ed Visible Thinking and MIT Media Lab curriculum, adapted for Hong Kong education system.

  • BNB STEM courses are project-based (PBL), which means students have choices regarding how to complete their project; the topic of digital story/podcast, choice of technology, approach to a coding challenge, and so on.

  • All projects involve at least two disciplines from the STEM acronymScience, Technology, Engineering, Math. The integration of these subjects into transdisciplinary lessons is what makes BNB STEM special.

  • Because they are project-based classes, students walk away with their own program, gadget, cooked item, storyboard, short digital film, podcasts, etc. Past students have won NASA competitions, Math Olympiad, applied for a patent for inventions, as well as build expansive personal digital and non-digital portfolios.

  • BNB STEM teachers are facilitators of the projects.  We are guides who provide expertise on how to use STEM to solve a human need.  No teacher should be the bottleneck for learning, hence we don’t spoon feed. Emphasis is always on process and life skills, and on the way learning and practicing

(by clicking on the icons)
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Student Work

Storytelling through Music - Age 6 Death Survival Adventure Our student enjoyed a hands-on experience of creating their own musical story board by: -playing instruments in class (instruments and using various items to make sounds) -using their own vocals -selecting sounds from the computer Giving full creative direction to the student, they then told their story through symbolic play; acting out the scene with dinosaurs.

Baker & Bloom is a K-12 education organization that immerses students in academic rigor and creative thinking to prepare them for the future.

School Registration Number: 598534

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2110 4788


4402 3419



5/F & 6/F, China Hong Kong Tower, 8-12 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

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